What We Offer

“Enliven the dormant creativity of your mind”

Hour 1

1. Understanding the conscious (5 %) and subconscious (95%) mind

2. Intelligence is a function of Attention

3. Mahabharat of the conscious and subconscious mind.

4. Scientific evidence of the power of emotions.

5. How does it affect our lives?

Hour 2

1. Understanding the software that governs the hardware of our body.

2. Tapping the five levels of the mind.

3. What is consciousness?

4. What are we looking at and assimilating in our body?

5. Exploiting the fundamental levels of consciousness.

6. How does contact with pure consciousness increase focus?

Hour 3

1. You are taught the technique to calm your mind.

Hour 4

1. How to negotiate the traffic jam of your mind.

2. The mechanics of cleansing of energy blocks of the body-mind.

3. Group session.

4. Questions and answer session.

5. Introduction to breathing techniques.

Hour 5

1. Unravelling the layers of distracting mind and remove obstacles to focus.

2. In the experience of deep rest, restlessness melts away.

3. Group session

4. Questions and answer session.

5. Exercises and games for focussing attention.

Hour 6

1. The third law of thermodynamic, from cacophony to silence.

2. Intellectual understanding of illusion of life and how it clears the blocks of energy.

3. Group session.

4. Questions and answer session.