What We Offer

“We have a Genie in a bottle”

Hour 1

1. What is a thought?

2. How does a thought affect our Mind and the physiology?

3. Understanding conflicts and contradictions of the mind.

4. Scientific evidence of the power of emotions.

5. How does it affect our lives?

Hour 2

1. Understanding the software that governs our body, the hardware.

2. What is consciousness?

3. What are we looking at and assimilating in our body?

4. Exploiting the fundamental levels of consciousness.

5. How to control thoughts by contacting the silence of our mind?

Hour 3

1. The technique to move from sound to silence

Hour 4

1. Know the qualities of silence.

2. The mechanics of three states of consciousness and their relevance.

3. Group session.

4. Questions and answer session.

5. Introduction to breathing techniques.

Hour 5

1. Unravelling the layers of consciousness.

2. Experiencing deeper levels of rest and feel the flow of energy.

3. Group session

4. Questions and answer session.

5. More exercises for experiencing silence

Hour 6

1. The third law of thermodynamic, from cacophony to silence.

2. Intellectual understanding of illusion of life and how it clears the blocks of energy.

3. Group session.

4. Questions and answer session.