What We Offer

“Compassion the glue that joins everything, including Broken Hearts”

Sound and the silence are two parts of life. Inability of our mind to iron out the contradictions is the cause of discontent.

Hour 1

1. What is compassion? An insight into Thoughts, emotions and feelings.

2. Compassion is the core of our Being. If so, then what is it that hides it from our view? What are the illusions?

3. What is the reason that glue is ineffective?

4. Scientific evidence of power of compassion.

5. How does it affect our lives?

Hour 2

1. Matter is vibrating energy particles but at some point this energy becomes conscious?

2. Mechanics of a thought.

3. What is consciousness?

4. Importance of mindfulness in life.

5. We are a source of infinite intelligence and energy? How can we exploit this abundance?

6. How does contact with pure consciousness reduce stress?

Hour 3

1. You are taught the technique to reduce the vibrations of your mind.

Hour 4

1. Role of mind and body.

2. The mechanics of cleansing of the body.

3. Group session.

4. Questions and answer session.

5. Introduction to breathing techniques.

Hour 5

1. Unravelling the layers of consciousness.

2. Experiencing deeper levels of rest and feel the flow of energy.

3. Group session

4. Questions and answer session.

5. Introduction to practical exercises that reduce stress.

Hour 6

1. The third law of thermodynamic, from cacophony to silence.

2. Intellectual understanding of illusion of life and how it clears the blocks of energy.

3. Group session.

4. Questions and answer session.