What We Offer

Every blind man has his own interpretation of an elephant

Hour 1

1. The story of blind men.

2. The programmed mind and its follies

3. The Me-too movement, a mad chase for money.

4. Story of snake- illusion vs reality.

Hour 2

1. The greatest organism that god created is- we the humans.

2. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. That is what we humans do with our own self.

3. Who are we and what do we want?

4. From physical body to non-material mind. Atoms and molecules to intelligence and information.

Hour 3

1. Success is the wrong connect of our mind with wealth.

2. Let’s change the narrative of our mind.

3. Introduction to breathing techniques

4. Group sessions

5. Questions and answer session

Hour 4

1. You are taught the technique to reduce the vibrations of your mind.

2. Your journey to within from without.

Hour 5

1. Success is a field of centered mind without contradictions.

2. Group exercise session

3. Questions and answer session

4. Introduction to practical exercises that develop balance of mind.

Hour 6

1. The third law of thermodynamic, from cacophony to silence

2. Intellectual understanding of illusion of life

3. Questions and answer session

4. Introduction to practical exercises that bring in poise, calm and understanding of success

5. Introduction to food therapies