What We Offer

What you sow so shall you reap

“At the core of all manifest matter is the motion of space-time”

Hour 1

1. What is sound? How is it produced?

2. Insight into constructive and destructive thoughts

3. How destructive thoughts do not convey messages to the Universe

4. Nurturing Mind and the Body

Hour 2

1. What is mind?

2. Understanding the four levels of a thought.

3. Before we play melodies we tune the guitar

4. The seeds of desire are planted deep in the soil of our mind

5. Clean the weeds of the nervous system

Hour 3

1. You are introduced to the experience of silence with sound.

2. Experience the silence of your mind

3. Plant Intention, that is your desire

Hour 4

1. Quantum model of matter and the state of nothingness

2. Emergence of matter (Objects of desire) from sound

3. Matter and Conscious Principle

4. The mechanics of cleansing of the body.

5. Group session

6. Questions and answer session.

7. Introduction to breathing techniques.

Hour 5

1. Unravelling the layers of consciousness.

2. Experiencing deeper levels of silence and finest relative thoughts.

3. Group session

4. Questions and answer session.

5. Introduction to practical exercises that unravel silence.

Hour 6

1. The third law of thermodynamic, from cacophony to silence.

2. Field of all possibilities and potentialities of matter and consciousness. Fulfilment of desire.

3. Group session.

4. Questions and answer session.