What We Offer

If we keep looking at the agitated and volatile surface of the sea, then we will never be able to know that silence keeps increasing as we go down.

Hour 1

* Story of Arjun’s mind in suspended animation. Krishna’s discourse on how are we made up of energy? How the energy manifests as matter and how does it flow? When energy flows, it creates entropy or disorder.

* This disorder is known as stress.

* What causes stress?

* How does it affect our lives?

Hour 2

* The five senses of perception and their relation to Consciousness?

* Mind, matter and their relationship to stress

* The silent level of consciousness is the source of contentment and peace?

* We are a source of infinite intelligence and energy? How can we exploit this abundance?

* How does contact with consciousness reduce stress?

Hour 3

* Introduction of simple techniques to reduce the vibrations of your mind.

Hour 4

* Role of mind and body

* The mechanics of stress release

* Group activity session

* Questions and answer session

* Introduction to breathing techniques

Hour 5

* Unraveling the layers of consciousness

* Experiencing deeper levels of rest and feel the flow of energy

* Questions and answer session

* What is compassion? An insight into Thoughts, emotions and feelings

* Introduction to practical exercises that reduce stress