

Downloaded software perform their functions in the telephone but sometimes the operations stop.

There is no tower in its vicinity and there is no signal. The most expensive phone becomes inactive.

Signal is the Prana of the processor, our human nervous system. The signal infuses life, it infuses animation and action. We all know that without the signal from the operator Airtel, Vodafone or Jio the phone is a piece of metal in our hands.

Our body is also inert matter, piece of meat if the soul is not there. The soul creates animation, it is responsible for flow of life. It is responsible for our senses of perception and its resultant thoughts, emotions and feelings.

The signals come from outside the telephone. Signals are everywhere. Soul is signal of the body. It is not confined to any physical boundaries. It is eternal, infinite, without beginning, without end, pure with all potentialities and possibilities. Since it animates our body we believe that it is within.

The signal is everywhere and we detect its strength through our telephone. In the same way if we want to know the soul we need to detect it through our body. Soul is Intelligence and information, wrapped up in three vibratory fields.

Causal field, the field of ideas (Kaaran Sharir)

Astral field, the field of thoughts, emotions and feelings (Linga Sharir)

Gross physical field, the body (Sthul Sharir)

माया मरी ना मन मरा, मर-मर गए शरीर,

आशा तृष्णा ना मरी, कह गए दास कबीर।

(This is a couplet by Saint kabir, who has expressed startling truth in simple couplet. It means that Sharir, the body dies again and again but ambitions and aspirations, the desires and inclinations embedded in the mind do not die)

All our actions and reactions, however, small they may be are stored in the Astral field as information. The soul and I are not two, there is no separation. We believe that when we die the soul goes away to hell or heaven. It must be very clearly understood that "I" and soul are not two. "I" am still alive and experience the reactions of all my actions that I accumulated on the server of my soul.

If we want to know then we need to unpeel the vibratory layers and reach the soul, the source of all universe.

If soul is everywhere, if soul is the content and cause of creation then why don't we see it? Where is it?

Sound is electromagnetic vibration. Every thought, emotion and feeling are sound on the subtle level as indestructible information. Commonly we know that when we speak the sound is heard and then it dies or it can only be heard to a certain distance then it fades away.

All sounds are frequencies. Spoken words fall under a narrow band of 100to 300 Hz. And symphonies/songs from 16 Hz to about 10000 Hz.

A telephone is both a transmitter and receiver. When we say "Hello" in a telephone here in Delhi, then the frequency of 100-300 Hz. is transmitted in the environment. It sits on the 900 Mega Hz.-1800 Mhz. band frequency (Depending upon an operator Vodafone or AT&T) and transmitted further thousands of miles away. At the receiver telephone, the higher frequencies are separated from the lower voice frequencies and "Hello" is retrieved.

The processing device, the telephone decodes the required vibratory field (100-300Hz) from 900 MHz. To 1800 Mhz.

All matter is pulsating energy particles. (The gross body)

All thoughts and emotions are electromagnetic vibrations (Non-material cognitive body)

Vibratory field of Ideas (The intuitive body)

Soul (No vibrations)

The nature created one of the most complicated organism, the human body and endowed it with infinite potentialities and possibilities to decode, unpeel the vibratory fields that surround the "Soul". The human body has a triumvirate of Mind, intellect and ego (Man, buddhi and Aahamkaar), which under controlled conditions could unpeel the three vibratory fields that encase the Soul. It decodes the silence of the soul, the source of all creation, the unified field of all vibratory forces of nature, pure consciousness in its singularity. This unpeeling answers the question "Who am I" as an experience of consciousness.

Read More on the topic in our book "Soul Descends"
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