
Why Should you read this book?

What is the field or fabric of the universe in which we live and how does it affect us?

What is the significance of knowing that we are 99.99999% empty space and only 0.00001% energy particles, which are bundles of wave packets! Luminous being we are, so said Master Yoda.

We at our super sub atomic roots, are just pulsations with a frequency of 10 trillion cycles per second. Our very atoms that make us are blinking in and out of existence, emerging and demerging into nothingness in this cycle of creation and dissolution.

The Spirit, Purush (Pure Consciousness) or this quantum field as understood by science is known by Vedic scriptures for millennia. This great void of nothingness towards which all oriental philosophies and spiritual thoughts aspire is the cause and content of creation.

Have you ever wondered...

  • What is the perfect way to act?
  • How can we avoid thinking about the fruits of our action?
  • What am I conscious off? How did this consciousness materialize?
  • When did consciousness happen? Where did it come from?
  • At what point the cognition occurs?
  • Who experiences and who sees? Who am I?

"I", the real me - the SELF, is but a silent spectator: calm, collected, peaceful "SOUL" witnessing everything and, therefore, Conscious. "I" is like a colourless crystal - 'sphatik sadrisham'. It takes on and reflects the colours of the background on which it sits, whatever envelopes it, without changing itself.

Its doppelganger, the pseudo "I-I" "I" looks at the recordings, all the karmic imprints, repository of information stored in the mind and identifies itself with it. I associates itself with all our feelings and experiences of diverse emotions.

"The Soul Descends" is a story of how Pure Consciousness comes down to the illusionary waking, dreaming states of Consciousness. It is the story of how collapse of the wave function, collapse of cosmic consciousness gets entangled in a grand illusion to lose its identity from being "Infinite, Eternal and Blissful" to confined, cramped and suffering in the body.

Pick up this book as, "Knowing is not bookish knowledge, but experiencing the Self in its purity."

Ravindra Shrivastav

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